Building Act: Building Act 2000 / The (Tasmanian) Building Act 2016
Building Regulation: Building Regulation 2004 (amended 2013) / Building Regulations 2016
Defined Term: Essential Safety and Health Measures
Annual Compliance Certificate: N/A
In Tasmania it is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure all Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are maintained and serviced to the current regulations and to ensure that each Essential Safety and Health Feature/Measure functions as designed.
A Safety Measures Report can be issued on an annual basis to ensure the Essential Safety and Health Features/Measures are being maintained to Australian Standards and Regulations.
All Class 1b – 9c occupancy buildings as defined by the National Construction Code are required to be maintained regardless of floor area size or whether the building is occupied or vacant. Where applicable plumbing features are installed in a Class1a of 10a building, these features must be maintained as Essential Building Services.
AS1851-2012 is the referenced standard of maintenance under the Director’s Maintenance of Prescribed Essential Building Services Determination.
The Director’s Maintenance of Prescribed Essential Building Services Determination defines essential building services terminologies:
Part 1.1 – Building Fire Integrity
Building elements required to satisfy prescribed fire-resistance levels
Materials and assemblies required to have fire hazard properties
Elements required to be non-combustible, provide fire protection, compartmentation or separation
Wall-wetting sprinklers (including doors and windows required in conjunction with wall wetting sprinklers)
Fire doors (including sliding fire doors and their associated warning systems) and associated self-closing, automatic closing and latching mechanisms
Fire windows (including windows that are automatic or permanently fixed in the closed position)
Fire shutters
Solid core doors and associated self-closing, automatic closing and latching mechanisms
Fire protection at service penetrations through elements required to be fire-resisting with respect to integrity or insulation, or to have a resistance to the incipient spread of fire
Fire protection associated with construction joints, spaces and the like in and between building elements required to be fire-resisting with respect to integrity and insulation
Smoke doors and associated self-closing, automatic closing and latching mechanisms
Proscenium walls (including proscenium curtains)
Part 1.2 Means of Egress
Paths of travel to exits
Discharge from exits (including paths of travel from open spaces to the public roads to which they are connected)
Exits (including fire-isolated stairways and ramps, non fire-isolated stairways and ramps, stair treads, balustrades and handrails associated with exits, and fire-isolated passageways)
Smoke lobbies to fire-isolated exits
Open access ramps or balconies for fire-isolated exits
Doors (other than fire or smoke doors) in a required exit ,forming part of a required exit or in a path of travel to a required exit, and associated self-closing, automatic closing and latching mechanisms
Part 1.3 Signs
Exits signs (including direction signs)
Signs warning against the use of lifts in the event of fire
Warning signs on sliding fire doors and doors to non-required stairways, ramps and escalators
Signs, intercommunication systems, or alarm systems on door of fire-isolated exits stating that re-entry to a storey is available
Signs alerting persons that the operation of doors must not be impaired
Signs required on doors, in alpine areas, alerting people that they open inwards
Fire order notices required in alpine areas
Part 1.4 Lighting
Emergency lighting
Artificial lighting required to assist occupant movement and egress
Part 1.5 Fire-fighting Services and Equipment
Fire hydrant system (including on-site pump set and fire-servicebooster connection)
Fire hose reel system
Sprinkler system
Sprinkler system designed in accordance with AS2118 as aresidential or domestic system
Fire control centres (or rooms)
Provision for special hazards
Portable fire extinguishers
Fire blankets
Part 1.6 Air-handling systems
Smoke hazard management systems
a) automatic air pressurisation systems for fire-isolated exits
b) zone smoke control systems
c) automatic smoke exhaust system
d) automatic smoke and heat vents (including automatic ventsfor atriums)
e) air-handling systems that do not form part of a smokehazard management system and which may unduly contributeto the spread of smoke
f) miscellaneous air handling systems serving more than onefire compartment to which Sections 5 and 6 of AS/NZS 1668.1,serving more than one fire compartment
g) other air handling systems
Carpark mechanical ventilation system
Atrium smoke control systems
Part 1.7 Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
Smoke and heat alarm system
Smoke and heat detection system
Atrium fire detection and alarm system
Part 1.8 Occupant Warning System
Sound system and intercom system for emergency purposes
Building occupant warning system
Part 1.9 Lifts
Stretcher facilities in lifts
Emergency lifts
Passenger lift fire service controls
Part 1.10 Standby Power Supply System
Standby power supply system
Part 1.11 Natural or Mechanical Ventilation
Natural or mechanical ventilation
Part 1.12 Access for persons with a disability
For access for a person with a disability
Part 1.13 Hot Water, Warm Water and Cooling Water Systems
Hot water, warm water and cooling water systems in buildingsother than a system only serving a single sole occupancy unit ina Class 2 or 3 building or Class 4 part.
Part 1.14 Energy Efficiency
For the energy efficiency of the building
Part 1.15 Water Efficiency
For the water efficiency of the building
Part 1.16 The Safety of Occupants of Premises in Case ofBushfire, Floor, Landslip or Coastal Inundation
Features or measures for the safety of occupants in a bushfire-prone area, for the safety of occupants (includes firefightingwater supply and access road)
Part 1.17 Building Clearance and Fire Appliance Access
Open space around large isolated buildings 2. Vehicular access around large isolated buildings
Part 1.18 Building Use and Applicable
Classification and use of building 2. Occupancy hazard
Part 1.19 Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Emergency control organisation and procedures
Part 1.20 On-site Wastewater Management Systems
On-site wastewater management systems (including a non-drinking water, recycled water or greywater treatment system)
Part 1.21 Testable Backflow Prevention Devices
Testable backflow prevention devices
Part 1.22 Thermostatic Mixing Valves and Tempering Valves
Thermostatic mixing valves and tempering valves installed inearly childhood centres, primary and secondary schools,hospitals and nursing homes, or similar facilities for peoplewith disabilities, young people, elderly people or sick people
Part 1.23 On-site Liquid Trade Waste Pre-treatment Equipment
On-site liquid waste pre-treatment equipment
Part 1.24 – Other Plumbing Installations, Features or Measures
A swimming pool discharge management system
A private drinking water supply for a Class 1b building or Class2 to 9 building
A pump station, whether domestic or commercial, a wet well orpump-out toilet
Plumbing work that involves a performance solution oralternative solution
A unique plumbing product
Part 1.25 – Other Safety Features
Glazed assemblies
Balustrades and barriers (including enclosure of outdoor playspaces in an early childhood centre)
Swimming pool safety fencing
Refrigerated chambers, strong rooms and vaults
Bushfire protection measures
Any feature or measure provided as part of a PerformanceSolution (building or plumbing work)
Any other feature or measure designed by the buildingsurveyor or the permit authority as an essential building service